
Vegane Hotels an der Mosel

Vegan hotels on the Moselle can be found in picturesque wine villages and in larger cities such as Koblenz or Trier. The idyllic holiday region is characterized by gentle river bends, half-timbered romanticism and steep vineyards. There are cycling and hiking trails on both sides of the peacefully meandering river, which lead, among other things, to numerous castles and palaces.

As an active holidaymaker, use your stay in one of the vegan hotels on the Moselle to explore one or another section of the 300 kilometer long Moselle cycle path. The 185 kilometer long Moselhöhenweg shows hikers the lovely landscape between Trier and Koblenz.

These hotels on the Moselle serve local wine to accompany their vegan and vegetarian dishes. In wine villages such as Neef, Calmont or Bremm, Riesling is mainly produced. In some vegan hotels on the Moselle you can even stay overnight directly with the winemaker. The best way to experience the local wine culture is to stop at an ostrich restaurant or at one of the numerous summer wine festivals.

You can get a taste of city air on the Moselle in Trier. In the oldest city in Germany, the amphitheater, the imperial baths and the famous Porta Nigra date back to Roman times. The former imperial city also has the oldest episcopal church in the country.

The Moselle flows into the Rhine in Koblenz and you can discover countless small alleys and courtyards during a relaxed stroll through the old town. You can get a wonderful overview by taking the Rhine cable car to Ehrenbreitstein Fortress. Pure Rhine romanticism surrounds you at Stolzenfels Castle.